ATM-QR7 is foreseen for operation on an aircraft equipped in BUR-1 system (PZL-M28 "Skytruck", PZL-W3A Sokol, PZL-W3ARM Anakonda and some version Mil-17, Mil-171 helicopters). ATM-QR7 is installed in a connector on a front side of BSPI unit.
Operation description
ATM-QR7 can operate in two basic modes: data registration (recording) and data readout. The registration mode is automatically involved after installation in a test connector of BSPI. The test connector of BSPI receives data signals transmitting by acquisition unit to ZBN 1-1 FDR. ATM-QR7 identifies and records transmitting data in an electronic memory. In this way ZBN 1-1 and ATM-QR7 record the same data in the same time. After readout of data recorded by ATM-QR7 we can obtain the exact copy of data recorded by ZBN 1-1. A registration time depending on an electronic memory installed in ATM-QR7 is 3 hours. There is a loop registration, so the newest data erase the oldest data.
Decoding procedure
Decoding and analysis process must be carrying out using ATM-RD7 Portable Readout Unit and PC Computer (or LAPTOP) with FDS32 or FDS for Windows software. ATM-RD7 unit is connected with PC via RS232C port In such situation it is an automatic process including decoding of a plane/helicopter call signs, automatic calibration of a particular flight phases and information about a serial number of ATM-QR7 unit using for registration.